“It was all a mistake really. One day I allowed myself to create and conceptualize a heart project and Soul Creative came to life!

What’s Soul Creative Project?

Soul Creative Project is a heart project that began in the Summer of 2017.  Back then, I was a full-time wedding photographer and though I loved documenting amazing moments, I felt that I wanted a different creative vibe.  I had an overwhelming hunger to create and “play” but I wasn’t sure exactly what it was that I wanted to do or how I wanted to express what I was feeling inside. That was until I had an offer to document a music performance. That’s when everything changed and my Creative Soul was finally found!  Feel free to check out my About me page to learn more about how I got here.

I created Soul Creative Project out of love, curiosity, and an insatiable need to create imagery that moves and inspires me. I yearn to create imagery with depth and meaning or at the very least imagery with a story behind it OR no story at all! As eclectic as it sounds, Soul Creative Project is a deeper look into my very own creative soul!

“I wasn’t aware that what I was creating was considered Fine Art. I was and still am just having fun discovering and creating.” -Amanda Smith

Featured Project | Scarcity

As I child, I was always playing outside. I loved getting “lost” between trees, hike mountains and rocks, and most times, I was barefooted which my grandma hated! This was the inspiration of this project, ROOTED.

Legend has it…

She bid her love farewell, He departed on a ship on the wharf of San Blas. He swore that he would return, and soaked in tears, she swore that she would wait. This is the story of the lady of San Blas!

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