Botanical Gardens Maternity

This session was SPECTACULAR!

Marisa and I have a few things in common. We both love Texas Roadhouse's yummy bread rolls (and sweet butter!), we think that 2 hours for a party is more than enough, and, we both LOVE plants. As a matter of fact, Marisa loves plants so much that she along with her husband own a plant care company called The Plant Bar Co. So when it came to selecting a location, it was a no-brainer that the botanical gardens would be the perfect spot for her maternity session!

Marisa was completely in her element!

All about the Monsterras!

Sessions at the botanical gardens are just so beautiful. I love the mix between the colors of the flowers and the variation of plants and trees. Definitely one of my top favorite locations!

This session was short of amazing and I cannot wait to document many more memories for her and her family!


5 Reasons Why You SHOULD Book a Personal Branding Session


Total meow fail!